zondag 25 januari 2009


I give up... I am definitely not a resolution person, even though I make them every new year. I don't stick to strategies, so it's easy to tackle me. Please don't try, it hurts. While my body is resting on the smooth surface of a Brussels' Opera Hotel bed, my mind wonders what I am actually doing here. A seminar called 'blogging about the European Parliament Elections 2009"? Some people I met tonight seem to take the competition seriously, "better a tough competition than no competition at all". Do they really crave that I-Phone?

I feel I should be honest. No sir, I don't know anything about politics. Yes, I know Obama is the new USA-president and that the Belgian first minister is switched recently. I know the war between Israel and Palestine is one of unequality and horrible killings. They stopped the mass murder, but it is not over at all. I support the Palestinian victims and their families, but at the same time I remember Lital, Michal and the other Israeli people I met last summer. They become fan of 'their war against terrorism" on Facebook. I feel an alien in this world. I just don't understand. I feel I arrived in this world just a little bit too late, so I missed the basic instructions at the beginning. What I want is reading their minds, trying to understand the way they see the world. They. The people. The others. That is what I actually always would like to do. If I would move, I would move to other peoples heads.

People are so different and, in my opinion, very difficult beings. Everybody wants to be loved and liked. Everybody wants to make the world a better place. Nobody wants to get terrible diseases or become victim of natural disasters. But at the same time the same people still smoke in public places (even in the cafe Chez Bernard tonight), still take the airplane for short distances, still eat meat unless the bad consequences for environment, humanity, animal kingdom and the general case of empathy, people still prefer the car over public transportation, still pay more taxes for militarian than for humanitarian action, still write long blogs without really saying something new and still want to catch that brand new cellphone.. even if they already have a well-functioning one in their pocket...

Think about it...

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